Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oh I hate you.

This morning I thought was just a regular morning. Woke up tried to brush my teeth but I heard my phone, and it was my Dad calling. Recently I hated calls from my parents I DREAD them. He called to ask if I have any finals today and what time is my last one tomorrow because I get to go home for SUMMER BREAK. Well now lately my parents are questioning my college education ness. He's like WHY ARE YOU TAKING ART FOR YOU DON"T NEED IT. Well.. I need it for Baccore, and it fills up my Literature and Arts requirement. After the call he made me fell so worthless and like he's disappointed in me. I'm sitting here crying my eyes out right now because I don't know what to do anymore!
All of this stress is getting to me and that call just topped it off. I dont' know what o do with ny life anymore. I feel like I let down my parents. I really think they just want me to kill myself really. Because I can't really handle this anymore. Trying to figure out what major/career I want, Finals, and parents shit all in one ball. THEY just don't understand! I know what I need to take and yet they question me. I understand that they question how I study becaues I said I didn't know how I did on the chemistry. Just to be honest, I think I'm not good at the sciences. Or mainly because I dont' study it correctly. Or barely study for it at all. Oh god I'm so upset right now. I'm fucking crying at 10:30 in the morning. I don't need this in the morning. I try to give it my best, but my best is not good for them. I just wish something came along to make me feel better and make it obvious what career I should go into. I mean OBVIOUS like flashing lights and an arrow saying HEY KIM YOU NEED TO DO THIS SHIT.
As of right now I feel like being a Dermatologist. With my science grade right now, I don't know if I can study hard enough to make it. It appeals to me because I've had skin problems, my brother, and friends have skin problems. And I want to do something that'll make their skin healthier. Because I'm always about making people having good skin. And stuff and I want to do that for them. I'm really interested in being a Cosmetic Dermatologist. That's my goal if I go that route. But again I don't know, stratch that, I dont' THINK I'll study hard enough to make it. If I don't then my parnets will be like wtf did you do. wtf are you going to do now??
then the other options are still artsy, but I know that won't provide much money, but I think I will enjoy it very much. But I'm gonna stop I give up.
I'm useless,worthless, and a disappointment of a daughter. I can't study proficient enough, and my grades are ok. I'm gonna give up hope right now.
Well of to study or TRY to study with all this emotional stress going on with me. -sigh- I think I'm gonna go cry more.

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