Sunday, May 2, 2010

Annoying as hell. [rant]

Oh joys of studying. :) Oh wait, what is this? International students being loud a fuck 1:30 in the morning? I have nothing against international students I think they're fantastic. But there is something wrong with this new batch this term. They are LOUD. Conversing and screaming outside the dorm. Trying to sound like Lil John screaming "What?" "Okay".
Mind you my window is closed. It usually blocks out sound really well. I"m also on the 5th floor, so I'm pretty sure the rest of the floors can hear these bitches scream, or they're already asleep and can't hear the douche baggery that's going on. But not in this case where these guys are rowdy as FUCK, and needs to be beaten in the face. I know not all of the students are doing this, but it's just this particular group that just decided to be douche bags. I don't know why they are doing it, they need to stop. I'm really disappointed with the leader people of the dorm, they can't hear this shit? Really.

I'm also to the point where I'm thinking up murderous things, like punching their lights out then ripe their vocal chords out so they can never scream and being annoying as fuck ever again. But will never put them into action. Even better yet they start getting into an argument where they beat each OTHER up. :)

It's interesting you would think that everywhere in the world is the same. Where once it's late at night you would SHUT THE HELL UP and keep quiet for people are sleeping or in my case studying. I have the feeling that they own the shit.

AERWEIJS:LDfkja;lerkja;lsdfkja;slekjtr mother fucking douche bags

1 comment:

  1. argh u poor thing, sometimes they just lack a bit of common sense and never consider other people!! im not hating international students either, its just sometimes they dnt think haha argh....!! x
