Saturday, March 6, 2010

Undecisive.. I am.

Title sounds a bit like Yoda. tee hee.

With previous posts, I've been working with a career counselor trying to figure out what kind of career path that I should take within my college major. So I've decided to switch to undeclared for now. Just to let my options open. Take other types of classes and see what's going on, and see what sparks my interest.
So far I'm most interested in is.

Skin care / cosmetics

Video games

Something artsy (illustration, jewelery/fashion(?))


That's all that I feel like I'll be really happy doing. But the thing is. I know some of the things don't really pay as well as I would hope it would. Like doing something in language. That's most likely going to be a side job, since it's not a solid job. I was talking to my best friend and she suggested being a medical translator. I wasn't quite sure about that. I have to know a lot of medical terms, and don't screw up. Because it'll be really bad and I'll feel so terrible if i mistranslated something.

And recently my best friend said that she's interested in making clothing, and she said if I can't think of anything that I should work with her with that. And I TOTALLY WOULD! OMFG. How fun would that be! Making cute ass clothes, drag my imagination out of it's corner because I forced it there because of college! She sparked something that I would have total fun with, albeit probably stress a lot over.

I just her some of the blogs that I follow, listed in my profile thing. Most of them are some how involved with clothing, jewelry, or makeup. And what they're doing is so interesting to me. It looks like a lot of fun, and they look like they're happy doing what they do. I'm REALLY envious of that. Because I just can't choose. I've always like doing something creative. Also my result of my interest test thing, that I had to take for my career counselor, how out as 'Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media' and it got 100%!!!! The one is 'Education, Library Sciences, and Training', but that only got a 75%
Umm..Yeah. ^____^;; So.

She just sparked something in me that sounds to FU**ING appealing to me! But she says that it's probably going to be a side thing, and a hobby for right now. Which I totally agree with her on. Don't want to be doing stuff with fashion, and being broke!! That's a no no. Plus fabric is pricey!! AND she also made another good point. "It's not as easy as people think it is!" Which is freaking true! The people that I follow blog, and youtube wise. They do what they do because they love it, and have a good ... following of people? If I can put it that way. I guess that they are successful with what they're doing because they're making things that other people like, and will buy. Which I think is true. Because I see some of things that they create, and they are hella cute!! Makes me wish I had spending money that I can buy stuff from them.
There are a few that I follow, and they're doing what I wish I could/would do.

But the thing is, another major part of my career making decision is. Dun dun dun. My parents that's such a big one. Even though they tell me time, time and again. "Do whatever makes you happy to do, and don't make your decision based upon us." . . Excuse me? That doesn't help at all! I love them to death. But it's really hard. Because they have careers for me that they prefer. Because they know that it's safe, and I'll make good money from it. I feel like if I don't do something that makes good money, safe, and reliable that, I'll make them disappointed. That's how I feel. I'll feel like they won't be proud of me. EVEN THOUGH, I know that they will be with anything I do. I just feel like that. If I don't do something in health field. That they'll be so disappointed. My brother is doing pharmacy after switching several times. And they are happy with that. Because, haha, good money. My parents also expressed their interest in me that I could do the same, and I feel overwhelmed. They say things like do whatever you feel that will make you happy. We just have careers that we prefer for you.

My career counselor, says that it's a good thing that I switched to undeclared, because I can take a breather. See what my options are. Which is awesome. Because I do feel better about it. But, ARGGH! It's still in the back of my mind, and it's driving me insane.

This would help if I found a husband, that's going to make most of the money, and is willingly let me do the things that I'm interested in. As long as he's in a career that he's happy with. That's one option. But that'll be a hard one to find. :P It'd be nice though, thinking about it now. haha


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