Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Am I in the Wrong??

Am I in the Wrong? Somehow?

Ok. I'm in an extremely bad mood, because I got off the phone with my mum. I told her about my day. Everything all good same same. But then she asked me if I spent any money. I was like, yes, i bought cereal. Because I ran out. She asked me oh you went with your roommate? I proceeded to say no, I went with another friend, we WALKED... . . . Then hell broke lose. Of course, she proceeded to say, really? your dad wouldn't like it, i'm getting the shivers thinking about tat!! BLAHBALHBALBHLHBALBH

Wtf? really? I can't even walk to the stoer which is like 10 mintues away to buy fucking cereal? My friend had pepper spray, and I had an alarm. Plus there's just two of us. If anything went down, we could kick ass right? She blinds them, I make em deaf. I don't even know why I told my mum that. Because i should have known better that my parents are ANAL about shit like this. OH! Your on your own in college, take care of yourself. THATS WHAT I DID. omfg. I don't know why but I think I'm very mad, because I take care of myself very well here, mind you. I don't go out and party becaues that doesn't appeal to me, plus a lot of shit happens and it can be very unsafe. Even now I don't understand why people go party, and drink when they're underage. Still a mystery.

But I know no one will read this. Am I wrong here? Was it not safe for me and my friend to go out which was 6 pm there was still light out. To go to the store? Mind you I would have asked my roommate to take me. But she recently was bitching saying that she feels used because of her best friend. Because she feels like her best friend only hangs out with her because she has a car. . . . wtf? If you care about your best friend then you do so. My best friend did that for me, because i DON'T have a car. MY best friend is awesome. My roommate feels used because her best friend wants to hang out then says OH can you pick me up? . . . .. Then because I felt like if I ask her to drive me then she'll feel that I'm using her. I don't know. I wish I could smack someone in the face. Preferably someone in the same room. But I'm just bitching right now. This week sucks.

AM I WRONG HERE?! I'm in fu**ing college.

I'm so freaking angry, that I can't think straight. And I have to write a freaking essay.

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