Friday, September 25, 2009

Ack no!

Oh my. .

Going to start college soon. . Getting really nervous. I'm officially going to move down there tomorrow. I'm somewhat moved in, I'm just gonna move the rest of my things down there. And it seems like a lot of stuff... 1 big fat bag of clothes, 3 bags of little things, cleaning, bathroom things, food, girl things.

It's going to be so different for me and at home. I'm quite excited since I'm going to be in a new place, by myself, and I get to experience more than when I was at home. I didn't get to do much at home. Even though I'm gonna be myself, I still have to responsible, I'm not going to go crazy like some people do. College is supposed to be parties, crazy stuff. And I'm positive that I'm not going to do that, paying way too much money to be stupid. Of course of I'm going to allow myself just to see what everything is about, but I'm not going to be stupid and drink and smoke. That's just lame.

And of course my parents are going crazy. I'm the last child and the only girl to go to college. And they are being over protective. I understand, but they tell me the things that I already know. -_______-; It's getting bit annoying. Even with the little things. "Don't forget the umbrella, because we're not gonna drive down there to give it to you.", things like that. AND the big one, "Do not go anywhere with anyone. Don't do anything with anyone. . .~" Things like that. That quote was from my dad. He's the most paranoid.. He expects me to have no social life, just eat, sleep, and study. But he damn well knows that I'm not going to do that.

Of course every freshmen college dorm living student is going to be homesick. . I know I will. But college experience away from the parents is going to be worth it. Everybody recommends to live in a dorm for the first year. It's just something that you have to do when you get there. .

I'm worried about the food. When I was there for orientation for 2 days, I was sick of the food already. :| It's gonna be tough, haha. I'm going to have no fish sauce in my diet. < / 3

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