Thursday, April 22, 2010

Getting owned by jeans......

-sigh- I'm so lucky... Oh so lucky......... This is the 2nd time this has occurred.... My jeans getting ripped. Luckily I was in my room when it ripped. Mind you 2nd time it has been ripped in the inner thigh. WHICH means I'm fat. WHICH MEANS! My thighs rubs together to make friction. I mean I'm chubby... -__-;; But never before I had my jeans rip..

Lucky week for me..
-Getting a cold... Apparently from seasonal changes.
-One of my favorite pairs of skinny jeans. Ripped.
-Feeling of uselessness
-Feeling stress
-Chem Exam.

-sigh- Well time to do homework that I was gonna save to do on the weekend. :/ Going to try and do as much as I can because when I'm at home, I tend to not do homework and just play~ Fucking sucks.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ugh, shouldn't have eaten that.

Have you had that feeling/moment where you feel what your body is feeling? Where you have eaten something that you haven't eaten in a long time, and you decide to eat it? Well, I'm feeling that.

I had two slices of pizza, and a small macaroni for dinner around......5:30? Now I feel like crap and bloated. Ugh. After eating that I feel guilty. I've been eating healthy, treating myself to things now and then. But shouldn't have had that pizza.

Living on campus, the food can get REALLY boring. And during my 2nd term here I started to hate the food. I eat the same things everyday. Salad, Soup, Sandwich. . . Everyday. At my dining center there is the Deli, Italian, Mexican, Chinese, BBQ(it just opened, and it's really good. I get meat cravings and that's where I would go straight too XD), and hamburgers. THAT'S ALL. And some of the restaurants aren't really health friendly when eating it every week.
It's alright if you like get a burrito, or a hamburger every now and then. Ugh. I had college food.

Next year I'm going to live in the same dorm building with a good friend of mine, and it's going to be awesome. But there are somethings that I wished that we got an apartment, #1 reason is. *drum roll* KITCHEN! No need to eat campus crap food! We can cook for ourselves. But my dorm building has a kitchen on the main floor, but we have to buy our own pots and pants and stuff and we can't really keep it in the kitchen area. And mind you this year we had the kitchen closed down several times because the people who do use the kitchen can't keep it clean.

-sigh- I'm gonna go mope around because I ate pizza. eeeeeek >_< My body doesn't feel so good. @__@;;